Monday, April 4, 2011

Sara S. on the Koros Project in Hungary

Sara S. was one of seven undergraduate and graduate students in the US selected to participate in the NSF-funded Koros Regional Archaeological Project.  Here is an update from the field:
Sara with her bucket of artifacts found on survey.
The Koros Regional Archaeological Project is focused on the area north of the Koros River near Veszto, Hungary. There are several different aspects of the project that I am participating in, including survey, excavation and geophysical investigations assisted by GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar). Team members are switched from one project to another, and one of the most important is surveying or surface collection. This project takes place on a good patch of farm land, which means that plenty of the land is tilled. This tilling often brings up artifacts like daub, ceramics, bones, lithics and even ground stones. A large part of the project is possible because of the survey component. For instance, the two areas where excavations are currently taking place were chosen because of the colossal amount of finds unearthed during earlier seasons by the survey team. This year we have found two more possible excavation sites for future workers.

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